June 29, 2012

This Is What a Wildland-Urban Interface Fire Looks Like

Watch this in full-screen mode. It is a time-lapse video of the Waldo Canyon Fire from its discovery on Saturday, June 23 through its run toward Rampart Reservoir on June 25, its big blow-up in the afternoon and evening of Tuesday, June 26, and on through Thursday, June 28.

Thanks to reader Darrell for the link.

Readers from Southern California will please refrain from invidious comparisons. Colorado Springs, unlike, say, San Diego, is not used to this sort of thing.

1 comment:

Peculiar said...

Neat video! It's very cool that someone had the presence of mind to set this up and follow through, and that we're watching it two days later.

Still waiting for someone out there to make the observation that God must hate the Protestant Vatican.